*Important - 3 Usernames: SoySauce, Kenshii, Boxy Brown
Xfire username: s0ysauce2rice (That's a ZERO)
Location: USA
Rank: 55
I was accepted into DMN by Tigy on 9/29/09, and Marine <3 i guess watched too
Some other info
-I'm more of a marksman than a sniper. I don't really like waiting around at long range, but i do want my rifle to 1shot kill (I'd use a shotgun, but it got nerfed badly D:)
-I'm not really into scrims
-I prefer Softcore tdm, unless it's all snipers.
-Punkbuster lags the crap out of me for 1min, every 500 seconds, with a few minor lag moments too.
-I don't play cod4 too often, like to mix it up =)
I mostly join clans for some chats, not for serious gaming. I don't really multiclan.